koi to water ratio
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a bolger
2003-09-18 21:46:34 UTC
can anyone tell me the ratio of fish to water?
2003-09-23 21:41:25 UTC
From what I've read elsewhere, it seems that you need 1000 gallons of water
for the first koi and then 100 further gallons for each one after that.
Don C.
2006-07-21 21:01:49 UTC
The only answer to that question is:it depends. I have maintained a 1200
gallon pond with Koi and Golfish for the last eleven years. The present
denizens of the pond number 10 Koi and about forty Goldfish. The Koi range
from 4 inches to 14 inches.
Some of the things that make a difference in the healthy balance of the
pond are plants, filtration, use of UV and feeding habits. My pond has a
Cyprio 250 pressurized filter. It also has a 20 gallon skimmer with a filter
in that. I have floating plants (Water Hyacynth and Water Lettuce) that
along with lilly leaves cover about 60 to 70% of the water surface. I feed
twice a day and only an amount that will be completely cleaned up by the
fish. My fish are healthy and seem content.

Post by a bolger
can anyone tell me the ratio of fish to water?